Healthy, Organic Treats


Handmade Carob Creations. Developed to highly satisfy Your tastebuds.

 We pride ourselves on being clean, delicious & simple.

Made from Organic, Vegan ingredients using Eco-Friendly, Waste Conscious packaging.

Giving you a Caffeine-Free, naturally sweet indulgent treat high in antioxidants, minerals & vitamins.

Maple Moon Products


Rituals & Recipes

Consuming Treats at Night has never felt better!

Our Carob Treats have been designed & handcrafted from a space of nourishment, intention & love.

We began with one flavour that was carefully curated for Health Conscious treat lovers that desire a Stimulant Free Alternative, especially at Night!

Our Carob Range.

Carob Bars

Carob Crescents

Carob Elixir

Carob Bananas

Eclipse Bites

Dessert Bars & Bespoke Events

Handmade Luxurious Treats that make your Taste Buds Happy, without the NastiesA Perfect Addition to any Event, to Fuel your Body, Soul & Mind.

Our Eclipse Bites Range.


Pecan Nut

Salted Almond

Carob Goji Ripe

Caramel Fudge

Why Carob?

Our Co-Founder Carli began making a chocolate alternative because she desired a treat that had No Stimulants, No Sugar & could be Consumed at Night Guilt-Free!

Being sensitive to cacao at night, Carli began to play around with Carob. Using Organic, Vegan ingredients Carli would unknowingly create our first Carob Bar – The OG Coconut & Goji Carob Bar.  

As a Holistic Parent Consultant & Trained Montessori Educator, Carli felt inspired to share this passion knowing that it could be accessible for all ages. 

Maple Moon is an extension of this Value!

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May we pay our respects and acknowledge the Gadigal People of this Country, those past & present for giving us this opportunity to work and call this land our home.